BOOK BLOG TOUR Nipples to Kneecaps meets Sol Vibrations
If you are looking for a positive jam packed blog site then Sol Vibrations would be a good place to start. It is a multi-author self...
BOOK BLOG TOUR Nipples to Kneecaps meets Cue & Review
Cue & Review BLOG TOUR 24th November Yesterday I was given a VIP badge! Very Important Person? No, in this case it stood for: Visually...
BOOK BLOG TOUR Mandy Brown - Nipples To Kneecaps visits The Lancashire Witch
The Lancashire Witch BLOG TOUR 23rd November Thank you Paul for featuring the true, inspirational book Nipples to Kneecaps – to die or...
What Do Ice Skates, Madelines And A Dead Mechanic Have In Common?
Well, 'Nipples to Kneecaps – to die or not to die with cancer' of course! I know, who ever would have thought these would all be features...
A Grey House, A Grey Mouse & A Beautiful Baby Named Mae Meet Nipples to Kneecaps
BLOG TOUR Post 21st November 2017 Mae & Me A GREY HOUSE, A GREY MOUSE & A BEAUTIFUL BABY NAMED MAE Reading Mae & Me's Blog...
Overall Aims For Nipples to Kneecaps by Author Mandy Brown
Video 3: Mandy's Chats about Nipples to Kneecaps What is my overall aim in writing Nipples to Kneecaps? My overall aim is to give you,...
Nipples to Kneecaps - Random Extract - its amazing what you discover in the shower!
I wanted to share some extracts of the book, but couldn't decide which So, I decided to let chance play a role. I randomly wrote down a...
Winning the Battle Against Cancer
Refusing to give into the prognosis of just three months to live with terminal cancer, Steve followed an inspired, some may say foolish plan
'Nipples to Kneecaps - To Die Or Not To Die With Cancer' by Mandy Brown is a massive instant
'Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer by Mandy Brown is a massive instant hit and best seller! Film contract to be...
Samba Drumming in Nipples to Kneecaps
I have been in my sound proof 'room' continuing my recording for the audio book version of 'Nipples to Kneecaps -to die or not to die...