#1 Best Selling Cancer Book Nipples to Kneecaps
A huge thank you to all our readers, followers and friends for helping us to get the word out about Nipples to Kneecaps; to die or not to...

Best Cancer Book—House of Mystery Radio meets Nipples to Kneecaps
Wow. I am reeling. I recently had my first ever radio interview for American listeners. Alan Warren of the House of Mystery interviewed...

Newsflash Sale Today Only: Nipples to Kneecaps: to die or not to die with cancer £0.77 / $0.99
Amazon for just £0.77 / £0.99 / 0.85 euros.
Nipples to Kneecaps uplifting book to read during the Coronavirus lockdown. Best seller.

'Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer' Readers Photographs
Thank you to all the readers who kindly posted a photograph of themselves with their copy of Nipples to Kneecaps on the Nipples to...

Warning - Photograph of a Dying young Man
Sorry if this shocks you or upsets you. I debated for many years about sharing this personal photograph with you. This was taken after...

Cancer Survivor Stories - Nipples to Kneecaps
I told you I would share some private family album photo. So, just for you –Steve showing off his operation stitches (first operation) in...

Dying with Cancer - Fly On The Wall
As you have expressed an interest in 'Nipples to Kneecaps – to die or not to die with cancer' I wish to share some personal photographs...

Give Me Strength!
Strength is like a magnet pulling individual iron filling towards it. As kids many of us saw or even played with iron fillings and...

Too Late To Heal - Time to Die?
Healing. There has been a huge increase and demand for healing of late. Our own son in hospital having adverse and severe reactions to...

BOOK BLOG TOUR meets DTong Radio
Now for something completely different on the BOOK BLOG TOUR! Listen now to this independent sports and music radio: DTong Radio I found...