BOOK BLOG TOUR Nipples to Kneecaps meets Cue & Review
Cue & Review
BLOG TOUR 24th November

Yesterday I was given a VIP badge! Very Important Person? No, in this case it stood for: Visually Impaired Person. This was quite some synchronicity as I had decided last week to choose Cue & Review as one of my Blog Stops. So who are/what is Cue & Review? Why did I choose them?
Cue and Review – “Print Speaking to the Blind” transcribe print magazines and newspapers into audio format for the benefit of the visually and reading impaired. This can be accessed and downloaded online daily, free of charge. They rely heavily on volunteers and are based in Glasgow.
Their volunteers read and then upload individual articles to the Sonata Internet Radio service provided by the British Wireless for the Blind Fund. Their subscribers can listen to articles from:
Inside Soap and
Children's Stories.
You can hear the free podcast on Cue & Review
So, from where does my interest stem? Some of you may know we have a deaf blind son with autism. He was born deaf and lost a significant amount of sight around 7 years of age. For a short while, he attended New College, Worcester - a school and college for young people aged 11-19 who are blind or partially sighted.
I believe that access to the news, books and children's story in all formats should be freely available. Many people rely and enjoy listening the stories and news via audio books, podcasts and transcription services such as Cue & Review. I am currently working on the Audio version of Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer (already available as an Ebook and soon paperback) to ensure more people can access the story. Subscribe to my site and I will let you know once the Audio version is ready.
Meanwhile, check out Cue & Review and lets spread the word about the helpful service.
They are also on Facebook.
Happy listening!