Disabled - Brave, Bold, Beautiful and You

Who are you? Who have you become? Who do you wish to become?
I am Mandy Brown. I, like you, have accepted many labels and roles through my life. Many I feel positive about, but some I fight against. One of them being that I am a person with disabilities.
As a person who has always put a positive spin on life and my health challenges I would like you to know that at times I have faltered, cried and even screamed about my disabilities.
My partner and friends will know I have battled with the question: 'How can I be or feel sexy in a wheelchair? Or using sticks?' They also know that I found a way around that! ;)
There is still a stigma about those of us who use wheelchairs and other aids. I have been patronized, ignored, and treated as inferior and incapable. I know this is due to lack of understanding, fear and ignorance so I will continue to explain, promote and stand up (excuse the pun) for those of us who can't yet do so. I am continually on the look out for inspirational ideas that help children and adults who are disabled feel more positive about themselves and their abilities.
That in mind....I recently saw and posted on Facebook about the wonderful new Zebedee Management Agency.
Zebedee are a modeling and acting company for children and adults with learning or physical disabilities.
They state that "Our models, actors & performers can achieve anything they want – they’re amazingly talented and take on any challenge or opportunity that they’re offered – but they may need a little extra help from time to time. And that’s where our inclusive agency and unique approach make such a big difference."

Here is a collection of some of their models (plus one I snuck in!).

Please visit their website and the Zebedee Management Facebook page.
Please pass this information on to anyone you know who has a disability or their parents.
Be brave, be bold, be beautiful, be you!

And please let me know of any other similar inspirational projects, companies or people who promote this positive approach to enjoying life to the full.
Thank you
Mandy Brown