BOOK BLOG TOUR Nipples to Kneecaps meets Sam's Nonsense

Sam has a chatty, honest and enthusiastic style in her videos. She certainly loves books! Her channel 'Sam's Nonsense' discusses books, beauty and fashion. books, video games, more books, movies...Oh, and I did I mention books? She has uploaded 604 videos so far.
Check out her Fall Book Haul 2017 for sensible, honest and short reviews of the current books she is looking at.
If you are into a particular author, she talks about all their books in Author Highlights, which may help you pick the next one to read e.g. Lloyd Alexander, Michael J Sullivan, Tamora Pierce, Gerald Morris, Robin Hobb, Juliet Marllier and Sebastien De Castell.
She does an encouraging series called 'I Suck At Read A Thons' #ISATRAT that is worth a watch.
I was a tad jealous of her purple hair at one point - looked great. Some of you may know I love the colour 'purple'! I also resonate with Sam's love of stormy days outside, whilst sitting inside by the warm fire, reading a book - all cosy, book in one hand and a hot drink of Belgium chocolate in the other. A book readers heaven!
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