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'Nipples to Kneecaps - To Die Or Not To Die With Cancer' by Mandy Brown is a massive instant

'Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer by Mandy Brown is a massive instant hit and best seller! Film contract to be signed.'

Well, that's what I want the headlines to read in two months time!

But for now, I can say, 'Hooray, Nipples to Kneecaps is about to have its final proofread then it will be ready for publishing.'

I am now working on a marketing plan. This is a new area for me so any help would be appreciated. I loved writing the book, but unless we get the marketing right no one will know it exists or buy it and read it.

Writing for marketing and sales needs a fresh, attention grabbing approach. Do you know anyone with such skills, who also has an interest in inspirational books related to beating cancer, and who would be willing to help us?

This is where we seriously need YOUR help and the help of those you know. Help please!

I think we need some excellent press release copies done which we can send off to newspapers, cancer support groups and independent book shops. OR maybe you know what I should really be doing to get the word out?

I am happy to give talks, interviews and do book signing events. So if you know of anyone who would like to book Steve and I to do, this please contact us.

BUY Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer by Mandy Brown

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