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1 Day to Go! Nipples To Kneecaps - To Die Or Not To Die With Cancer

6th December

Tomorrow is the Big Day. 'Nipples to Kneecaps - to die or not to die with cancer' by Mandy Brown can be downloaded directly to your kindle or Ebook reader for £7.99 / $10.77 / E9.04

Don't miss out on being one of the first people to read 'Nipples to Kneecaps'. Order from Amazon today.

"I don’t think I have ever felt so connected to a book before, a book that clasped my heart strings and wouldn’t let go" S.A. French (ARC Reviewer)

" Believe me this one of the most touching and inspiring stories I have read throughout my years as a freelancer. It was a captivating piece. Excellent!" B. Ada (Freelance Editor)

"Made me cry, made me smile but I shall never forget this inspiring story which will give hope and a plan to follow for those facing the impossible. I now believe in a better future." M Minervasaltar

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