Passed With Cancer - Happy Birthday Dad!

I loved the way we regularly laughed uncontrollably together with tears rolling down our faces, holding our sides trying to stop laughing and crying usually about some mishap with the wallpapering that we were hanging or some other similar shared task.
You were always there with new inventions and ideas - the original problem solver king.
Watching a film with the family or attending a school play, we would inevitably look at each other with a silent, "Uh, oh. Here we go again!" as we both wiped away those sentimental tears.
If I stubbed my toe, or the hammer hit my thumb, you'd ask, "Does it hurt when you laugh?"
If I bit my tongue accidentally, you'd say, "Good job you're not a poisonous snake!"
I remember the day we called you Dr Doolittle. Fritz, our dog adored you, but that day we found out so did Seven, our bottle reared Soay lamb, Mimmie, the orphaned white lamb we'd adpoted, Acuba and Kitana the cats and Snowy the rabbit. You were babysitting for us. We returned home to find you with all our pets sitting contentedly either on the sofa snuggled up next to you or lying around your feet whilst you all watched the sports channel on TV. You said, "Well, they wanted the company!"
22nd November 'Happy Birthday dad!'. I miss you - your hugs, your cheeky smile, your jokes.
Thank you for being always being there at a moments notice, for always listening to me patiently and for the wonderful fun-filled memories that I will always cherish. Love you and miss you.
Your ever loving daughter Mandy xx
Happy Birthday too to everyone who shares this day wherever you may be - love knows no boundaries and I believe it is especially tangible once a soul has passed. Open your heart and let the love in. I just know that they will be there with you.